Many of us suffer from fears and phobias that can have a very real and dramatic impact on our lives. It may be a fear of flying, driving, animals or small spaces to name a few. These fears may be the result of a specific incident or may have seemed to appear from nowhere. There are two types of phobias and hypnotherapy can help with both. The specific phobia is one that exists because of a specific event whereas a non-specific phobia is one that is created through a bundle of experiences that build up to create the fear. Both types of phobia are exacerbated by stress. Hypnotherapy uses different therapeutic approaches to address the different types.
Hypnotherapy works to eliminate the fear by making suggestions during the focused state which enables the brain to change the way that it thinks about the fear causing stimulus. Fears and phobias cause the bodies ‘freeze’ response to kick in. When this occurs, the brain creates a template which results in the same response occurring every time the stimulus is encountered. At Bridge Hypnotherapy, we use specifically developed techniques, which are supported by research, to detach the emotion from the template and therefore reduce the fear.